Father and daughter in graduation gowns, smiling and showing finger hearts

3 Reasons Why A Graduation Photoshoot Is The Best Grad Gift For Your Child

Graduation season is here in Singapore – think proud smiles on parents’ faces, joyful and moving exchanges between friends and families, beautiful bouquets and the debut of the iconic graduation bear! Being able to attend your own graduation ceremony is a significant milestone in every student’s life. It is that day where their hard work,…


WHITE ROOM STUDIO 的时尚空间 如 果我们告诉您我们有适合您拍摄家庭照片的完美摄影棚,您还在考虑吗?不要犹豫了,White Room Studio 是您的最佳选择! 另请参阅:为什么街角店屋是新加坡摄影棚最理想的地点 White Room Studio 位于里峇峇里路 (River Valley Road) 街角上的娘惹风格店屋,占据两层楼的单位。White Room Studio历经几次的装修,最近一次是在2020年,经过了数月大规模的翻新,为我们客户打造的完美摄影空间终于诞生。 我们的摄影棚是颗等待您来挖掘的宝石,位于一家著名咖啡店的楼上。一进门走上楼梯,一股清新的怀旧之情就会把你带回珍贵的记忆里。 如果您想读英文版,请点入 The Beautiful Spaces of White Room Studio. 点击下面最新的视频,邀您走进我们 2400 平方英尺的店屋摄影棚。您会找到适合您的摄影体验! 为了显示我们与其他摄影棚不同,我们推出富有新加坡历史文化的主题概念:装饰艺术风格(Art Deco)、酷酷工作室(Cool Studio)、清新自然风(Nature and Greenery)、娘惹风(Peranankan)、豪华奢侈风(Plush and Lux)、朴实乡村风(Rustic)、经典欧洲风(Classic European)和季节性主题(Seasonal Themes)。 浏览过他们的摄影组合,我们对他们怀有很高的期望。 White Room Studio 没有让人失望! 尽管不得不追着我的四个孩子跑,摄影师非常耐心和投入。 我们很喜欢照片拍出来的效果和他们对瞬间的捕捉。 5颗星!   – 文慧及家人 (Boon Hui & Family)  …

CNY Family Photoshoot Singapore

Lanterns & Firecrackers For CNY Family Photoshoot!

Still thinking of ushering in the Lunar New Year with multi-generational shoots or simply dress up for some extraordinary colourful portraiture shots? Check out our new décor embracing the enchanted warmth of natural lights and rainbow-coloured lanterns, where tradition meets modern elegance. see also: The Importance of Family Studio Portraits Holler down to White Room…

family kindergarten K2 graduation photoshoot in gown at white room studio

Celebrate K2 Kindergarten Graduation At White Room Studio!

You simply can’t beat the cuteness of 6-year-old kindergarten kids in adorable K2 graduation gowns! As you know, K2 graduation ceremonies and celebrations across Singapore has either been cancelled or hugely scaled down due to covid regulations, and in these strange times, what better way to make this occasion more meaningful than a K2 kindergarten…

Why Corner Shophouses Are The Most Ideal Locations For Photo Studios in Singapore

Photography studios were first operated by Europeans who brought the craft into Singapore. In the 1910s, Chinese photographers who learned the craft in China, began operating in Singapore. Their creative skills at relatively cheaper rates compared to their European competitors, made Chinese photo studios quite successful on the island.   All credits to <From brush…